In No haga caso de malos mexicanos (Ignore bad Mexicans), Carmen Huizar collects social media screenshots from 2014 and 2015, from a selection of comments made by followers on the Facebook page of Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto. The edition is an answer to the constructed image of autocratic power with communication strategies disguised as democracy

Collection of screenshots organized in six major chapters: Greetings and congratulations, Mr President, The most Handsome President in History, A very Beautiful and very Mexican Country, The wonderful  invincible PRI and A very Special Request.

“Felicidades señor presidente los buenos mexicanos estamos con usted y lo apoyamos”

“Señor Presidente la biblia dice que es Dios el que pone y quita a los gobernantes, por eso le pido a Dios por cada Presidente de mi país, que le dé la sabiduría como  a Salomón para gobernar y que le dé un corazón entendido, sensible y que ame y tema a Dios. Dios bendiga las decisiones que usted tome para nuestro México.”

“Nuestro México es hermoso, cada estado tiene su encanto, oramos para que termine la violencia, Felices fiestas para usted y su familia Sr. presidente, Dios lo bendiga.”

“No a la desestabilidad de nuestra poderosa República Mexicana. Estamos con usted Sr. presidente y no permitamos que una minoría de la prensa nos desacredite a nivel internacional. Los sinaloenses estamos con ud. Es ud. un gran presidente. No a la izquierda.”
“Congratulations mr President, good mexicans are with you.
we support you!”

“President the bible says that it is God who gives and takes rulers, so I ask God for every one of my country’s Presidents, that he gives him Solomon’s wisdom to rule and an understanding and sensitive heart, and that it loves and fears God. God bless the decisions you will make for our Mexico.”

“Our Mexico is beautiful, each state has its charm, we pray for violence to end. Happy Holidays to you and your family Mr. president, God bless you.”

“No to the disestability of our powerful Mexican Republic. We are with you Mr president and let’s not allow the minority of the press, to discredit us internationally. People from Sinaloa are with you. You are a great president. No to the Left.”